Cool Stuff

Thursday, May 7, 2009

PointCon 2009: Battle the Gods

Well, what can I say, PointCon happened and it didn't at the same time. I was really dissappointed with the turnout, but can't blame anyone. I was to blame just as much as anyone else. We advertised, but apparently not enough. Besides the other ten events going on in town the same weekend, it went well. Next year will be better.

For those who did show up, we had a lot of fun. The Settler's of Catan tournament was awesome. I even won my own copy, didn't win the tournament, but the winner, Carl, already had like 6 different copies of it and he asked me if I wanted it. I greedily said yes, I didn't have a copy and wanted one; plus it was free and I only lost by one point. Anyways, I enjoyed playing it and we had lots of fun doing it. I think it is definitely going to be a mainstay.

I also learned a fun game named Ra. Yes, it's named after the Egyptian Sun God, so don't think it's some kind of Pagan, Devil-worshipping, You're-all-going-to-hell kind of game, it isn't. The game is mostly about collecting certain game pieces and who has the most usually has the most points and wins at the end. It is about as long as a Settlers' game. It is fun, definitely play again.

I was disappointed that nobody showed up to my Rifts game, but oddly enough, I was expecting as much, especially when it was going on 7:30pm and hardly anyone was there. I was praying that the Con would go great and we'd have like 200 people in attendence per day. Nope, we like had 50 all weekend. I was sad.

We also had alot of DMs back out and all but two venders. Some of the absences were convincing, others; not so much. Yeah, I got this big project and I have to work on it this weekend. That's fine, but really, you didn't know about more than two days in advance. I don't know, maybe, but it just pisses me off.

Anyways, I hopefully can help make this Convention a success next year with the help of everyone we had this year. We took notes and we can only get better. Thanks to everyone who did show up. See you next year.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to comment them underneath.

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